Saturday 24 May 2014

Spontaneous Reassurance

Hello! Sneaking in a quick post before I go to bed because what happened today is something that I must put into writing; something I want to remember until I’m old and gray.
I was having a lovely morning — had home-cooked brunch, then watched a couple of 2 Broke Girls episodes with the husband. I decided to make my Saturday a productive one by doing some office work. Wrong decision. It was all good, until I read an email that put me into such a bad mood. Now, this is not my ‘normal’ bad mood wherein I just keep quiet while waiting for the negative air to disappear. I was pounding on my keyboard as I crafted my response. Our housemates would have assumed that E and I were having a fight, judging my loud, angry voice as I told him about the mood-ruining email.
In an attempt to calm me down, my wonderful husband rubbed my back. In normal circumstances, his back rubs work magically in making my stress go away. Today, however, it didn’t. I can feel that he’s uneasy, and I understand how it can be frustrating for him when he can’t do anything to make me feel better in that moment. Yes, he’s the kind of guy whose goal is to make his wife happy at every chance he gets. He must have taken the mantra “Happy wife, happy life” a bit too seriously :D
At one point, he just kept quiet while I continued typing away on my laptop. Then, an all too familiar song started playing in the background. It’s OUR song. The song he played in his guitar when he proposed to me. When I turned my back, I saw him looking at me, smiling oh so adorably. “Do you recognize the song?”, he asked. OF COURSE. How can I not? Less than a minute into the song, my eyes were welling up with tears. Memories of the day he asked me to marry him came flashing in my mind. It’s impossible to stay angry when I was brought back to that day in my life where I have experienced joy in its purest form.
He sat beside me and gave me the most loving embrace. “I hope this will make you feel better. Smile ka na.” My heart melted. The outrage I was feeling earlier was instantly replaced with love, joy, and gratefulness. Oh, my sweet loving husband.
As much as we love and appreciate life-changing milestones, I guess the little things like this one is what really makes for a strong, solid foundation. The way he handled me at my ‘worst’ today says a lot about how he would manage when we are faced with more serious circumstances in our marriage. I am very, VERY grateful for this reassurance.
Okay, that’s it for today’s dose of cheese. Thank you for bearing with me. Haha, I should have warned you guys earlier on. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!! :)

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Brighter Side

Here’s the thing: despite my hundred and one reasons to hate this place — the system (both in the IT and management sense), some people who refuse to do their jobs properly, lack of motivation and direction, super disorganized processes, inefficiency in general, lack of reward and recognition, and so on and so forth — I am thankful that I am constantly learning here. Everyday I am reminded of Jesus’ teaching that I should love my neighbor, no matter how difficult and challenging. That I can only do so much, and I need to let go of things that are beyond my control. Everyday I feel that my patience has reached its maximum, but everyday I prove myself wrong, because apparently, there is still room for just a little bit more patience in my heart. I (would like to think that) I am growing to be more independent and responsible for my own actions. I discovered that I can take one for the team without expecting anything in return. I never saw myself as a strong person, now I think I am slowly turning into one. A few more months, maybe I’ll be able to master the art of compartmentalizing my life.

This is me trying to look at the brighter side. Also keeping in mind the power of positive thinking and having a grateful heart no matter what :) But I think I still need to work on my Plan B very soon.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Love and Misadventure

Poetry is not for everyone. I myself wouldn’t have normally read a book of poems unless it’s recommended to me by someone who I look up to when it comes to reading choices. But this book, I think, is worth reading.

There’s been a lot of hype on this book, and it’s a good thing that it was able to live up to it. Like I said, I’m not much of a poem person), but every page turn got me “aww”-ing over words I wish I could have written myself. Lang Leav’s choice of words are mostly simple, yet it has a way to strike the right chords within you. It’s quite refreshing to read poems that doesn’t require much analyzing. Some of the poems speak of pain and longing, and it will break your hearts, but somehow it leaves you with so much hope. My take-away from this book is that in all things, more so in love, HOPE IS EVERYTHING.