Sunday 28 February 2016

Final Stretch

Let me start this post by announcing that we are having a baby GIRL! We found out on Week 20 during the Fetal Anomaly scan. When the ultrasound lady said "It's a girl", my heart did flips, and I was speechless. E and I grinned at each other and it just felt...right.

We are absolutely thrilled and blessed and so, so thankful! Not just that we get to have a daughter, but that she is healthy, growing, and kicking away at my bladder all the livelong day. As you may have probably guessed, I have started daydreaming about cute little shoes and picturing my husband having tea parties with stuffed animals. Aaaaaahhhh, my heart :)

It has been over 3 months since my last post, and now I am entering the 3rd trimester of my pregnancy. I often ask myself HOW DID THIS HAPPEN SO FAST?! I cannot wait to meet my baby, but at the same time, I do not want this pregnancy to end because I've been at the receiving end of so much love and kindness from people around me (friends and strangers alike) since I got pregnant. (Also, admittedly, I am worried about how I'd handle labor pains considering that I have very low pain threshold - but that's another story)

Me and my 6 and a half months baby bump :) Pic taken on Valentine's Day at Haji Lane

I am so thankful that I am having a fairly smooth pregnancy so far. A lot of people can't believe that I did not have any morning sickness at all. From the start of my pregnancy until now, I am happy to report that I am able to do things and move around as per normal. Well, probably just a little slower in walking now, because my baby is getting heavier by the day. Everything's right on track so far, I do not need to take any special medication, and I'm gaining a healthy amount of weight (actually much lesser than expected - which is a surprise to me because I am not cutting down on my food intake). I have not encountered any kind of intolerable pain, just leg cramps in the middle of the night when I was on Week 22 -- which was easily dissipated by my husband's massages and by doing ankle stretches throughout the day.

I am so thankful for being able to experience the kind of pregnancy that I actually ENJOY. Like what I told my husband, I do adore every minute of being pregnant. One time when I was about to fall asleep on my desk at work, my baby kicked me and jolted me awake. This baby has impeccable timing, and she's not yet even born! Haha. I love not ever having to feel alone because this ninja baby has her way of reminding me that she's here inside my tummy. I love how during story time, she'll kick upon hearing her Dad's voice. She's going to be such a Daddy's girl, I'm sure of it :)

I am so thankful that I have lots of mommy friends who are very generous in giving not only advices, but also unused/pre-loved baby stuff. My sister who just gave birth last December promised to share with me everything she knows about how to care for a newborn baby. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I am glad I have the best tribe I could ever ask for.

I am so thankful that my husband purposely immersed himself in this pregnancy. He prepares healthy meals for me, massages my feet and back, carries things for me, and has really extended his patience with me (hello, wild mood swings!). Basically, he makes everything easier and more convenient for me as much as possible. He says it's the least he can do since it's HIS child I am carrying after all ;-)

I couldn't be more amazed and in awe of how blessed this pregnancy has been! Whenever I start to panic or stress over how unprepared and inadequate I feel I am, I will keep in mind that God has been preparing me for this even before the slightest hint of having a baby crossed my mind. My baby and I are blessed beyond words, and for that, I am very, VERY thankful.