Monday 8 August 2016

Almost 4 Months

Dear Emilia,

You have learned to sleep through the night since last month. As much as I have long been waiting for you to sleep longer stretches at night, I honestly did not expect it to be this soon. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Not at all. In fact, I am thankful - very, very thankful! I don't think I've slept for more than 3 hours straight since you were born, so I was really looking forward to this milestone. But you know what, I have not enjoyed my long-awaited extended sleeping hours yet. I know - crazy, right? But what can I do? Nothing makes me happier than watching you sleep.

I live for those moments when I catch you smiling or giggling in your sleep. I wonder what you're dreaming of. Sometimes you'd raise your arm and it stays up in the air for about 15 seconds. I don't know why you do it but it's so cute and funny.

You hate being swaddled (since birth actually) and the blanket annoys you that you kick it off profusely. You cry when you're hungry, but you cry much louder when the milk I give you falls short. My darling, you know what you like and dislike, and you make sure we know it. That's quite a feat for an almost 4-month-old.

I live for our 5am moments: You wake up, I feed you, you'd fall asleep again and I'd hold you on my chest for a while before putting you back into the bed/crib. What's supposed to be just 15 minutes would go on for at least an hour because I decide to hold you a little longer. At the back of my mind I think I could use this hour to catch up on sleep or do things that need to be done or spend some me-time. But then I realize you won't be this small forever. At the rate you're growing, it won't be too long before this position would get uncomfortable for the both of us. And so I hold you a little longer, always. I feel so thankful that God chose me to be your mommy.

I love you always, my little darling - whether you sleep through the night or not.