Thursday 19 May 2016

Month 1

Dear Emilia, 

I can't believe it has been a month since the day you came and changed my and your Dad's lives forever. You arrived three weeks earlier than expected, but your weight and height are just as good as a full-term baby's. I prayed that you would grow inside my womb until at least my 38th week and that I would be able to give birth to you naturally. These did not happen, but all for a good reason. I found out three days after your birth that you were born with your umbilical cord looped around your neck. God allowed my bag of waters to rupture prematurely on my 35th week so He could save you from extreme harm. Your birth is a miracle, my love. You are our little miracle. Your birth is a solid testament of God's goodness and faithfulness. My unanswered prayer is the reason why you are here with us now. Indeed, God knows what is best for us.

The past month went by so quickly! It has not been all that easy for the both of us - we are still adjusting and getting to know each other. But I am thankful that you are a relatively easy baby. You don't cry often, but when you do, you make sure everyone in the house knows! Your Lola Tess and Lolo Arnold would rush into our room worried because of your loud cry -- only to find out that you just want more milk. 

I'm very grateful that I recovered pretty quickly, so I was able to carry you without difficulty when we brought you home. I feel very lucky because your Dad and I are able to appease you almost immediately whenever you cry -- it's either you're hungry, your diaper is soiled, you want to be held, or currently being bathed. You cry hardest during bath time. Your Dad and I pray that you'd learn to love the water soon enough.  

Everyone says you look like your Daddy, and I sure am happy about it. I think you got your sweetness from him too. I love how you'd touch my face whenever I feed you and how you'd give me a sleepy-smile after, as though saying "Thank you mommy." Your Dad adores you and takes very good care of the both of us. He changes your diapers, sings and dances for you until you fall asleep, and if he could breastfeed you, I'm sure he totally would. We are blessed beyond words to have such a loving and dedicated man in our lives. We're lucky girls, you and I. 

Everything is a production number lately -- leaving the house (even just for a pedia appointment), bathing you, changing a poop-filled diaper. Don't worry, my darling, I am learning to make things more efficient as we go along. 

Ah, yes, learning. I've been learning so much these days -- honestly sometimes more than I could handle. The past month was about me learning to be a mother to you, my love. To be a good mother is a different story. It will take time, but please know that I am trying my hardest to be one for you, so I hope you'll be patient with me :) What I love most is learning about you -- your various facial expressions, what each kind of cry means, your most comfortable sleeping position, what irritates you... everything. It brings me great joy knowing every little thing about you. 

It's crazy how so much can change in just a month! Our lives revolve around you now, my little one. You are our life

I love you so much you have no idea. 
