Sunday 15 February 2015

Valentine's Day

Some people say that Valentine's Day is a pointless occasion because love is meant to be celebrated everyday. I don't agree nor disagree to it simply because I never really questioned why this particular day seems to be a big deal. When I was in primary school, I remember every corner of our classroom would be filled with heart-shaped cut-outs from red and pink colored paper. It's cute and tacky at the same time, lol. In high school, my friends and I would exchange little love notes and paper flowers. I love how these little gestures make a big impact in celebrating love.
This is the fourth year in a row that I get to celebrate Valentine's Day with E; our second as husband and wife. We decided to go to Chinatown to see the lanterns and Chinese New Year decorations. I didn't expect it to be packed with THAT many people. I should have known -- it's the weekend before Chinese New Year, and the queue for Lim Chee Guan bak kwa is craaazy.
Here are some shameless selfies! :D
After joining the crowd in Chinatown, we headed to Clarke Quay. We had quick dinner, then we spent hours having heart-to-heart talk by the river while eating our favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream. We exchanged love letters, which we read right there next to each other. Can you imagine how cheesy the moment was? Well, it's Valentine's Day, cheesiness levels are expected to be amplified. :P

Our all-time favorite ice cream, Ben & Jerry's Salted Caramel Core :) Yuuuum!
The pavement by the river was filled with other couples, just as we expected. Thankfully we found a spot that was not too crowded.
Here's a screenshot of my husband's post in Instagram. It made me crazy kilig, so I thought I'd post it here :)
The letter I wrote for E contained 100 reasons why I love him. It was probably the cheesiest thing I've ever written, but I truly meant every single word. My hands ached while writing that 4-page letter, but it was all worth it when I saw happy tears streaming down his face while reading it.  :)
People-watching was more fun and interesting on V-Day. Seeing all those women walking around with one hand holding a bouquet of flowers and the other clasped with the hand of her special someone was so heartwarming. Then there's this young couple wearing matching shirts. The guy looked like he was just forced to wear it! It's sweet that he still wore it (even if it probably felt awkward for him), just to make his girl happy. Love really does make you do things you never imagined you'd do. :D
Yes, Valentine's Day is a big deal to me. I'd say that this day is worth all the fuzz and hype that comes with it. I'm just so grateful that there's this one day in a year where love is on full display among people from all walks of life. It's so inspiring to see people go the extra mile just to make loved ones feel special. It makes the world a wonderful place to live in.
Thank you for making me soooo happy everyday :)
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Hope you spent the day with family and loved ones. :)

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